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阅读次数:741次2020/12/8 18:47:58

 9月9日-11日土壤肥料研究所绿肥综合利用团队受日本山行大学农学部邀请,参加“International Symposium on C and N Dynamics by Land Use and Management Changes in East and Southeast Asian Countries”国际会议。

        武际副所长代表绿肥综合利用团队做了题目为“Synergistic effects of green manure and rice straw applications on soil fertility and ecological function in paddy fields: a case study in Anhui Province, China”的学术报告。武际研究员从我省绿肥种植、绿肥-秸秆还田养分释放机理、绿肥-秸秆协同还田对水稻产量、土壤肥力和稻田生态系统的响应等多方面将本团队多年的绿肥研究成果在大会进行交流。同时绿肥综合利用团队成员韩上博士和王慧博士也分别做了题目为“Effects of topsoil increase and decrease on yield, nutrient uptake and soil nutrient status in lime concretion black soil of the North China Plain”和“Effects of nitrogen managements with incorporation of Chinese Milk Vetch on the yield of double cropping rice and fertilizer use efficiency”墙报,并与各位参会人员进行探讨交流。 
